Our thanks to 3 generous Foundations!

This 2024 season we are grateful to be funded by three notable foundations whose grants help us purchase the honey bees, equipment, supplies and graduation gifts given to our Veterans and First Responders. Without the generosity of these local foundations, we would not be able to provide the experiences that can help with “staying in the moment”, and opportunities to learn the art of beekeeping. On behalf of those who come out for just a day, to those that wrangle bees for a year – Thank you so much for keeping the buzz going!!

Help Save the Bees Foundation

NV Energy Foundation

• Robert Z Hawkins Foundation







2023 program has begun!

Veteran's Support Group for Jan 2023 with the Governor.

2023 is proving to be our best year yet! 10 new honey bee nucleus colonies will be funded by a generous grant from NV Energy Foundation. These colonies will be provided to our 10 new Participants to learn beekeeping for the 2023 season. We are so grateful for the Foundation’s bee-lief in us!

On March 15th we were invited to the 2023 Veterans and Military Day at the Legislature (VAMDAL) to receive our award for Veteran Supporter of the Month (January 2023). These last years have been an amazing journey of new relationships and teaching beekeeping to our local veteran and first responder community. We share our successes with you, as they are truly for you. Thank you so much for joining us in the apiary and enjoying the BuZz. Bravo Zulu!

University of Nevada, Reno NEVADA Today story

The University of Nevada, Reno  published a story on August 9th about Bees4Vets.  The story can be seen here.

Our thanks to the University of Nevada, Reno and the University’s Main Station Field Lab, part of the Nevada Experiment Station and College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources, for their partnership with Bees4Vets which gives us space for our apiary so this program can happen.





CNBC Story

This week, CNBC aired a story on Bees4Vets.  You can see the story here.  They interviewed Dan and Ginger as well as three students, past and present.

Our thanks to the University of Nevada, Reno for their support which makes our program possible.







Bees4Vets is accepting students for the 2021 beekeeping season!

Student Inspecting

Bees4Vets is accepting students for the 2021 beekeeping season. If you are a veteran or first repsonder with PTSD or TBI and want to try something different that can help, give our web site a look. If you know a veteran or first responder with PTSD or TBI, give our site a look and have them give it a look. (There is no cost to our students for the program.)

We are happy to answer your questions. Just drop us an email, contact us on FB, or use the contact form on the website.

We have 10 spaces available in the program and those are filled on a first come, first serve basis.

Accepting students for 2020

Bees4Vets is accepting students for the 2020 beekeeping season. If you are a veteran or first repsonder with PTSD or TBI and want to try something different that can help, give our web site a look. If you know a veteran or first responder with PTSD or TBI, give our site a look and have them give it a look. (There is no cost to our students for the program.)

We are happy to answer your questions. Just drop us an email, contact us on FB, or use the contact form on the website.

We have 10 spaces available in the program and those are filled on a first come, first serve basis.