Interviewed by NBC
NBC came out and interviewed a few of our students as well as our staff. This is one of our students being interviewed.
NBC came out and interviewed a few of our students as well as our staff. This is one of our students being interviewed.
We want to give a big “Thank you!” to the Community Foundation of Western Nevada for their support of Bees4Vets and our Veteran beekeepers.
On July 25th The Community Foundation of Western Nevada awarded Bees4Vets a $500.00 general support grant. This grant will directly support our program and students. We can’t thank them enough for their generosity and belief in our program.
Here are two of our students inspecting a hive May 28th.
The hives are growing and the students are learning more every week. We couldn’t be happier with how the year is going so far.
This is the apiary as of June 4, 2018. Most of the hives are doing great and we’ve gotten a couple of spare queens mated.
When checking a hive today, we found it ready to swarm. (If it hasn’t already, couldn’t find the original queen, but the hive was overflowing with bees.) The pic is of a virgin queen. When we pulled a frame, the cell split off of the frame. One of our volunteers looked and said their was a bee in it and split open the cell and out she came. She sat on his glove and licked at the honey on it for a little bit and then crawled off onto a frame we put into a split.
One of two virgin queens we found today along with 3 more splits worth of really big, healthy looking queen cells. So, one 4 box high 8 frame hive (all medium boxes) made 5 splits and still have a really healthy hive left.
It was really cloudy and trying to rain, so we couldn’t look real hard for a queen in the remaining hive. If there isn’t one when we go back, we’ll merge one of the splits back into this hive after they’ve mated or merge a nuc we have as a place for a spare queen into the hive.